The run was less than smooth, as Okie, yet again, decided to turn us around; this time even earlier than usual, in a place we've never turned around before. She would not go forward, no matter how many times guided her back around. So, reluctantly, I placed her in swing (worrying about what this would do to her confidence and morale, I guess time will tell) and had Kona lead. She was doing good but not keeping the pace, as Okie and Isis kept running up on her. I needed a dog with lots of drive to run up front with her, so Tank got his first shot at lead. THEY DID GREAT! Kona listened to my commands, keeping the team on track, and Tank held/pushed the pace. It was a great run with those two; I was very proud! Good dogs!
Saturday, we watched the ceremonial start for the Race to the Sky. It was most exciting because we got to meet Blake Freking and his dogs from Manitou Crossing Kennels in Minnesota. They are our favorite kennel that we follow and were EXTREMELY excited to see them in person! All, musher and dogs, exceeded our best expectations! Great team! We wish them well on the trail, may they have a fun and fast run!

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