Thursday, January 9, 2014

6-dog Decision

I decided while on our run Tuesday that we could and should run the 14-mile 6-dog race at the Darby Dog Derby. We only have 5 and could race with this few but Nicki is going to loan me Pibe again to round the team to 6. 

I ran Flier in Lead with Tensaw on Tuesday and Thursday evening and they did great. At the 2.5 mile mark the dogs always want to turn. This is where, early in the season, we'd do a little lollipop and return home. So I would have to walk my "leaders" past it. Tuesday and Thursday Flier ran 'straight ahead' without even batting an eye 'haw.' YES! A true leader that one. So excited to see what more he'll do!

Couple great runs and looking forward to getting back on the sled this weekend!

A very blurry, poor picture from our run but I had to document this momentous occasion!

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